Friday, May 7, 2010

Olympia, WA Show Added

Hey Hey!

We've added an Olympia, WA show to our upcoming west coast tour. The show will be May 30th at the Capitol Theater and will also have Jakob and Tombs opening. The rest of the tour dates are below -

See you in a hot minute -


May 26, 2010     The Casbah, San Diego, CA w/ Jakob & Tombs

May 29, 2010     WOW Hall, Eugene, OR w/ Jakob & Tombs

May 30, 2010     Capitol Theater, Olympia, WA w/ Jakob & Tombs

May 31, 2010     Rickshaw Theatre, Vancouver, BC w/ Jakob & Tombs

June 01, 2010     Neumo's, Seattle, WA w/ Jakob & Tombs

June 02, 2010     Doug Fir Lounge, Portland, OR w/ Jakob & Tombs

June 04, 2010     Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA w/ Jakob & Tombs

June 05, 2010     The Troubadour, Los Angeles, CA w/ Jakob & Tombs

June 12, 2010     Bonaroo Music Festival w/ Melvins, Clutch, The Flaming Lips, etc.

June 14, 2010     40 Watt Club, Athens, GA w/ Melvins

June 16, 2010     9:30 Club, Washington, DC w/ Melvins

June 17, 2010     Theater Of Living Arts (TLA), Philadelphia, PA w/ Melvins

June 18, 2010     Webster Hall, New York, NY w/ Melvins

June 19, 2010     Music Hall Of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY w/ Melvins

June 20, 2010     Paradise Rock Club, Boston, MA w/ Melvins

June 21, 2010     Paradise Rock Club, Boston, MA w/ Melvins

June 22, 2010     Port City Music Hall, Portland, ME w/ Cave In

June 23, 2010     Club Soda, Montreal, QB w/ Cave In


  1. cant find tickets for the Capitol Theater, Olympia, WA show and im in olympia.

  2. nothing for the middle of the country again. even more sad seeing that it's the last tour and you've only been to Kansas once in the last 4 years

  3. Please come to Texas. We love Isis, and are hoping for an epic show!!

  4. Join the Melvins in Texas on 6/7/2010!!!! Please :)

  5. I love you guys, your music really means something to me. Thanks for everything and best of luck in your future endeavours!


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