Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Live Albums Out This Summer!

Hey everyone -

So we have digital versions of our Live albums coming out starting May 31 - various pre-order bundles with shirts, dvd's, etc available now. More info here!


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  2. How about re-issuing all the ISIS albums with 2nd disc with the instrumental versions of all the tracks? It's good practice. For example UNKLE and BEASTIE BOYS released such a "limited edition" collector's 2xCDs packages. I would love to listen Oceanic or, for example, Wavering Radiant completely instrumental. It would be a quite a challenge of ISIS listening experience. Seems to me the idea fits well to the ISIS style and vision.

  3. I wish you guys recorded one last Live CD or HD video concert before the breakup. I'd pay a premium for that.

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